Thursday, May 15, 2014

new Joyce Manor in July

Joyce Manor's one of those few bands I imagine will get righteously elected in the 2010's canon of classic pop punk somewhere down the line. For me, the band's main draw has always been the fairly uniform minimalism, from the brevity of their LPs, the artwork and shirt designs, and especially the songwriting: everything's said confidently and concisely with no great embellishments or soon-to-be-dated production techniques. It's extremely refreshing to have a chorus hit without 10 "gang vocal" overdubs thrown in to heighten 'the emotional impact', in other words. It's just great songwriting speaking for itself.

Finally, after 2 years without a single split or EP, the band have announced the release of their third LP this July, Never Hungover Again, and I'm excited as fuck. It's pretty much never that I swoon embarrassingly for a band's debut and then love the follow-up just as much, but both Joyce Manor and Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired are equally great "long players", delivering the goods in very different ways. I've heard this one'll lean more towards the sound perfected on the self-titled instead of leaping into weirder pastures, but that's totally alright with me.

You can read about it here and check out the new track, "Catalina Fight Song" here. It's an itty bitty minute of greatness that cuts off just in time to frustrate you that there isn't more available. Also, I feel weird inside about accepting Epitaph into my life as an occasional source of greatness, but I guess it'll eventually fade into ambiance like puberty or that time you hydroplaned and learned that driving was technically really dangerous.

Also, there's Frances Quinlan of Hop Along on the cover for no discernible reason!

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